North Carolina Business Coalition on Health

Surgeon General Report – Engaging Businesses as Stakeholders of Community Health and Economic Prosperity

Surgeon General Seeks to Engage Businesses as Forces for Health in Their Communities

January 19, 2021

Today the Surgeon General released a comprehensive report focused on why an how businesses should mobilize to build healthier communities and a healthier economy for all.  Fourteen recommendations in the report provide guidance on how businesses should engage with and invest in communities.  It makes the case that businesses that engage in this manner are rewarded with:

  • Healthier workers and lower healthcare costs
  • More productive on-the-job employees
  • Greater ability to recruit and retain talent
  • Greater brand recognition and loyal customers
  • Greater profitability

The complete report, “Community Health and Economic Prosperity: Engaging Businesses as Stewards and Stateholders,” along with related resources for businesses and consumers can be found on the website by clicking here.

NCBGH will seek to work with employers and other stakeholders across North Carolina in this initiative.