Join us August 6th for special webinar, “Elective Procedures and the Post COVID-19 Healthcare Surge: What happens Next and How to Get Ahead of It”
Coronavirus has fundamentally changed the health benefits landscape. Healthcare prices were already unsustainable and in the wake of COVID-19, they may become unbearable. Many hospitals and health systems are raising prices as they struggle to overcome huge financials losses from delayed non-emergent procedures. Meanwhile, many consumers look to reschedule this care as soon as it is safe, unaware they may end up paying more.
In this session, Bill Kampine, co-founder and SVP, Innovation and Analytics, Healthcare Bluebook; Kim Davis, Sr. Director HR Operations, Compensation & Benefits, Alex Lee; and Robert McGalliard, Epic Brokers, will lay out what state benefits leaders are up against this fall, sharing unique, data-driven insight and predictions on healthcare utilization and pricing. Prepared with this information, employers can better plan for the rest of 2020 and into next year.
Register now to join us on Thursday, August 6 at 2pm EST to learn more about market trends, explore strategies for addressing them, and ultimately get ready for the challenge ahead.
Click here to register